
the cosmic wheel turns the quern of time
the cold has blown
maybe it's death
the key of clamorous cranes in the north
is cutting the gray milky sky
with the shapeless echo of klangor
I am still breathing

I enlace my face with a spiderweb
it has seen too much already
even if it's been here only since yesterday
how awkward is my every step
into uncertainty
I am learning to shine again
even though I stopped believing
long time ago

too palpable is this emptiness
of the days counted down with
persistence in negation
in a moment the record
of the past events will burn
in a moment I will look into
the depth of understanding

19th of September 2017

The Mystery

when I stop writing
when I close my eyes forever
please burn all my
unfinished thoughts
sprinkle with black soot
all the rotten bridges
of understatements
monuments of life
that craved too greedily
and screamed too loud

outstretch the banners
over the burial mound of my ignorance
let the shameless mystery of the word
be done just this once
let the spirit know
that to exist is not enough
and to hope means nothing

let me turn
into the bottomless grief
if even once
I become unfaithful to myself
if I consciously praise
the submission
salt in the eye of this world

19th of September 2017