Kikimora and the Grain
The shaded chamber has opened ajar
And kikimora emerged from the dark.
Looking at the room with her cross-eyed sight,
Sniffing and walking towards the daylight's might.
So she beheld the world for the first time
That showed her magic of all earthly charms.
Behind the door there was the whispering corn,
There was the power of almighty morn.
She felt unhappy because of that awe,
That striking beauty of wheat she just saw.
She felt she was by this splendour outgrown
So simply she withdrew, back has she gone.
Yet since that day she holds very dear
The sacks of golden corn at the chamber's rear.
Even if horrified by the fields of grain,
She craves their beauty until this very day.
And - deeply hidden before the human eye -
She's still admiring the vast seas of rhye
Throughout the windows - and then in the night
She bakes the bread out of golden might.
30th of July 2002